“Thank you so much. I’ve grown with your guidance and advice. Am very grateful to have worked with you to work on myself.”

~ Janine

“I was diagnosed with manic depressive disorder in 1983 and have struggled with self care and self-regulation. The years I suffered ups and downs, mostly feeling very helpless. Then I met Patricia who guided me through MiCBT. For the first time in my life I saw improvement and felt hopeful. Finally, someone was there to listen to me and helped me solve my problems. I realized I can change for the better. Subsequently, I did the MBSR journey with her and saw my automatic pilot. Patricia is so sensitive with my feelings, full of compassion and kindness and patiently guides me through my difficulties. Without her I’d still be struggling bitterly in my life. Thank you and I love you.”

~ Malini

“For years I have experimented with different therapeutic modalities almost as a hobby. Until I encountered Patricia. With clarity and compassion she facilitated the cutting through my noise so I could finally feel myself.

Do yourself a favor and experience her skillful means.”

~ JR

“Patricia stands out for me as a thoughtful, kind, compassionate, intellectually mature and wise therapist. She is very well informed on the subject matter, and has a wealth of resources to draw upon for diagnostics, learning more about yourself, and self- understanding and moving towards treating the particular challenges you bring to her. I personally feel very grateful and was touched by her warmth, wit, and wisdom, again and again, after having a few inspiring and meaningful sessions with her. She is one of the most practical, empathetic, rational and fun individuals I’ve been able to interact with. I am grateful for her assistance and kindness in many areas of my life, be it psychological, emotional, mental or even spiritual. I will not hesitate seeing Patricia again if needed and would highly recommend her to anyone whom needs help.”

~ S.W. Wong

“I found Pat at a time in my life where I felt my inner light was about to be irreversibly dimmed. She helped me in many, many ways. By helping me realize that my hurts were valid, that some of my pain was self-inflicted, and she gave me tools to help regulate my emotions and self-soothe when the hurts start to arise. I subsequently took an 8-week MBSR course led by Pat, and today I’m in a healthy mental space.I highly recommend private sessions or the MBSR program with Pat.”

~ Ruby