Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

The MBSR course is based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program at Massachusettes Medical Centre, Mindful Academy Solterrano in Spain, and Bangor University Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) in the UK. MBSR meditation therapy is designed for stress management and treats illnesses such as anxiety, depression, cancer, chronic pain, diabetes, HBP, immune and skin disorders. Studies conducted to investigate its efficacy indicate that MBSR improves individuals suffering from chronic illnesses. Additionally, MBSR helps them to cope with various clinical problems. 

This course is offered in-person and online in a 1-1 (or 1-2 with a friend) or groups. Typically, MBSR is taught 2.5 hours for 8 weeks to groups and 1 to 1.5 hours (1-1 and 1-2) for 8 weeks with Patricia, who will guide you and support your MBSR journey. 

Jon Kabat-Zinn tells us that we are sleepwalking through our lives when we are on ‘Automatic Pilot. Mindfulness is the antidote to Automatic Pilot. Jon Kabat-Zinn posits that Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose in the present moment non-judgmentally. This beautiful 8- week journey will require effort and commitment. It includes listening and practicing along with the mp3s, reading the 96-page handbook over 8- weeks, writing your experiences and, applying practices daily.


MBSR is a new language that aims to help individuals develop a peaceful path and begins with kindness to approach self-healing. It offers the importance of applying the right intention, attention and, attitude as cornerstones to our lives. Throughout the course, we learn to pay purposeful attention to our bodies’ sensations and lean into the difficult ones instead of avoiding them. We learn to recognize all that co-emerges with sensations, like thoughts and feelings. This curious and non-judgmental approach leads us to accept whatever occurs and opens the space for gentle inquiry of what is here for us now. In this non-identifying, non-attached space, we find calm and clarity. The practice of stepping out of ‘Automatic Pilot’ develops our awareness of our habitual patterns and helps us change them making, choices to new ways of responding. 

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

~ Jon Kabat-Zinn